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Ovvegasque 2023

School has started which means that it's soon time for the first chapter seating of the year, the Ovvegasque! During the gasque a three course dinner will be served, and you will also be able to enjoy a lot of singing and great company! It's also a perfect opportunity to inaugurate your ovve and you will also get an exclusive seating patch!

So how do you get an ovve then? You can buy the siliconblue chapter ovve at every lunch in Kistan 2.0 12-13 as well as on pubs!

When: Saturday 23rd of September

Time: Doors open 17:00, gasque starts ~18:00

Where: Kistan 2.0

Price: 100/120 SEK (IN-members / non-IN-members)

Dress code: Ovve!

Deadline: Wednesday 20th of September, 23:59


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