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THS Survey: KTH's Educational Premises

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

As some of you have heard, KTH is currently looking into ways of reducing their spending when it comes to renting all their premises. In short, there are 5 scenarios that they are looking into, two of which involve moving all programs and staff from Campus Kista to Campus Valhallavägen. Nothing is happening anytime soon (the decision will be made in November this fall), but it is worth taking a few moments to reflect over. (More information about this can be found here:

Therefore, it is important to both us as a Chapter, but also to THS that we voice our opinions and/or concerns to KTH regarding this.

Right now KTH are doing an investigation about which educational premises we wish to have on our five campuses and how they should be designed and used. The job of THS in this is to raise the student perspective so they want to hear your thoughts! What is your opinion?

Educational premises are all the areas within KTH's buildings that are meant for studies. That applies both to rooms for scheduled education like lectures and exercises, and places where you sit by yourself to study without a teacher.

Here is a survey about the educational premises, and it would be greatly appreciated if as many as possible could fill it out:


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