About the Chapter
We are the Chapter for Information- and Nanotechnology, one of the largest chapters under the THS Student Union at KTH in Stockholm. As a non-profit organization registered with the Swedish Tax Agency, we work to benefit our members. We engage in a variety of activities ranging from core responsibilities such as educational monitoring to study-related social events that promote strong social involvement and community within the chapter. Additionally, we cultivate industry contacts that provide our members with opportunities to establish themselves in the business world.
The committees of the chapter organize a range of events for our students and for students in Stockholm. This includes, among other things, the three week long Reception for new students, the job fair Kista ArbetsMarknadsdag as well as regular pubs and parties.
Our members are students enrolled in master's and bachelor's at KTH Kista. At our campus in Kista, students have the opportunity to pursue Degree Programme in Information Technology (civilingenjörsutbildning), Bachelor's in Computer Science and Electronics and Computer Science, an international bachelor's program in Information and Communication Technology taught in English, and several mapped master's programs. More information about our programs is available here.
The chapter consists of a board and several committees responsible for different aspects of the chapter's activities. Additionally, the chapter has a strong representation both in the school's management and at the central level of the Student Union (THS). A list of all committees within the chapter is available at Committees. You can also find a list of the trustee elected members.
The chapter's highest decision-making body is the Chapter Meeting (SM). These meetings are usually held once per quarter or more frequently. At the SM, all members of the chapter have the right to vote, and it is generally where all major decisions concerning the chapter are made. We encourage all chapter members to participate and make their voices heard. Summons for the SM is sent well in advance according to the bylaws to all chapter members via email and is also posted on our social media channels.
In addition to the chapter meetings, Board Meetings (StyM) are held more frequently. All chapter members are welcome to attend the board meetings, but it is not expected that they attend unless there is a specific matter that concerns them or their committee. At these meetings, chapter members have the right to speak, but only the board has the right to vote and the authority to make decisions.
You become a member of the chapter by joining the THS Student Union. As a member, you have easier access to all our activities and benefits. Additionally, you will also receive queuing days for Stockholms Studentbostäder.
Kistan 2.0 is our chapter hall, and you can find it in Electrum on floor 3. The chapter hall is the largest at KTH, and during the day, Kistan 2.0 is the natural gathering place for both studying and lunch. It is also where we host almost all of our events, including pubs, gasques, and company events. Typically, there is something happening in Kistan almost every day of the week. We have recurring events like "ITK mys" on Wednesdays, pubs on Thursdays with QMISK, and Fridays with TMEIT.
The chapter hall is equipped with a stage, lighting, sound system, and a fully stocked bar with beer taps, an ice machine, and a large kitchen - and most importantly for all students, a microwave wall!
The chapter's overall (also called "ovve") has a characteristic Silicon Blue color and can be purchased during lunchtime or at our events in Kistan 2.0. In addition to the chapter's Silicon Blue overall, you can also find the older ockra-red overall at the chapter in Kista. The ockra-red overall comes from the old Ingenjörsektionen Kista and is worn by those who are active in our committee QMISK.
If you're really lucky, you might even come across an older student wearing the old laser violet or lime green overalls. The laser violet overall comes from the old IT Chapter, and the lime green overall comes from the old Microelectronics Chapter. These two chapters later merged and formed our current chapter. If you're interested, you can read more about this in the chapter's history.
Become a Member
Kistan 2.0 - where everything happens
The Chapter
Name: Chapter for Information- and Nanotechnology
Students: about 2000
Organization number: 802431-2442
Legal form: Non-profit organization
Permit unit's restaurant number: 61 80 1301
Office: SEB, Mall of Scandinavia
Account Number: 5287 100 3300
Bankgiro: 5120-7280
IBAN-number: SE65 5000 0000 0528 7100 3300
Contact Information
President: ordf@insektionen.se
Business Relations: naringsliv@insektionen.se
Communication: kommunikation@insektionen.se
You can find more contact information on the Contact page.
The chapter's overall (also called "ovve") has a characteristic Silicon Blue color and can be purchased during lunchtime or at our events in Kistan 2.0. In addition to the chapter's Silicon Blue overall, you can also find the older ockra-red overall at the chapter in Kista. The ockra-red overall comes from the old Ingenjörsektionen Kista and is worn by those who are active in our committee QMISK.
If you're really lucky, you might even come across an older student wearing the old laser violet or lime green overalls. The laser violet overall comes from the old IT Chapter, and the lime green overall comes from the old Microelectronics Chapter. These two chapters later merged and formed our current chapter. If you're interested, you can read more about this in the chapter's history.